Overview: How do I use the Dashboard?
The Dashboard is an easy-to-read, real-time user interface that shows a presentation of current status, and historical information. It can be broken down according to your role and includes information about Registration, Accounting, Medical Reports, and much more.
This article includes:
- What is the Dashboard?
- How do I use the Dashboard?
This is what your Dashboard looks like:
From the Dashboard, you can see Revenue Generated, Registrations, and Upcoming Events. You can also view Reports, and quickly navigate to multiple areas of the program.
How to: Use the Search Bar
The search bar allows you to easily find Individuals and Registrations. It can also be used to quickly navigate to specific areas of the program.
Start by typing something into the search bar. You can search for things like Name, Registration or itinerary ID, contact information, and even specific areas of the program. Examples include Reports, Registrations, Accounting, Medical, Etc. Partial name searches will work as well.
Note: The search feature remembers your previous history, and will appear in a list as you begin typing. This will make it easy to access things you have recently searched for.
How to: Use the Navigation Menu
The Navigation Menu is a list of links pointing to important areas of the program and allows you to navigate there quickly. Note: These options are customized by the user and will change depending on your role, and the security privileges.
Click the Hamburger menu to view the list.
Most items will need to be expanded to view the full list.
- Once you find what you're looking for, click the link and you will be directed to that area.
Helpful Hints: Can't find what you're looking for?
Contact your Management team to make sure you have the appropriate security privileges.
How to: Use the Dashboard to view important information
The Dashboard provides a quick view of important information that can be compared to previous years. It is interactive and changes with your personal selections.
Start by using the filters to determine what you would like to view. The filter allows you to select the last 7 days, and up to the last 12 months. You can also choose a previous year to compare data.
The next section shows a quick view of Revenue that has been generated, Current registrations, New Registrations, and Upcoming events. See the bottom of each card for a comparison of the previous period.
Below, you can view Recent and Pending Registrations. Use the tabs to switch from Active to Pending.
This provides quick information about recent registrations. The information includes Attendee Name, Event Name, Registration Date, Total payment made, and Current Balance Due.
Clicking on a name will take you directly into the registration. This can be very helpful if you have someone on the phone and they are asking about their registration. Or, if you would like to see how many recent pending registrations came in, but were not completed.
How to: View Recent Reports from your Dashboard
The Dashboard includes an area that allows you to view your most recently viewed reports.
This list consists of 10 reports, and each line is a link that will take you directly into the report.
How to: View the Timeline for upcoming events
The Camp Timeline is a Quick View of your upcoming events. It can be broken down by Organization, Location, and Event Type.
How to: View Upcoming Events
From here, you can see upcoming events. Each line is a link that will take you directly into the Event.
How to: Use the Camp Interest Tracker
The Camp Interest Tracker includes information about registration counts.
It includes an overall view of your total spots, and how many are currently available. It can be filtered by Event Type and can be viewed as a Chart or List.