Overview: Registration Accounting Tab
This article will demonstrate the use and purpose of the Accounting tab listed under Registration Details. The accounting tab has four subsequent sections: Summary, Line Items, Scheduled Payments, and Scholarships. We will walk through the details, available options, and overall purpose of each of these sections. While the navigation is roughly the same in the New View (CircuiTree Blue) as it was in the old view, the display is laid out differently.
How to: Navigation
1. Use the How to Navigate to a Specific Registration article to find the needed registration
2. Click the Accounting tab
How to: Actions Menu
1. The Actions menu houses many accounting tools.
Make a Payment: Goes to Payment Wizard to be able to apply a payment to the Registration.
Apply Credit: Allows user to apply credits from a different Registration onto the current one.
Distribute Credit: Allows user to apply credits from one registration to another within an itinerary.
Issue Refund: If any payments need to be refunded, you can do so by selecting this option.
Activate: If Registration is Pending, choose Activate to change the status to Active.
Move to WL: Change the status of the Registration to Wait List.
Split Itinerary: Allows user to move a registration onto its own itinerary.
Switch Itinerary: Allows user to move the registration from one itinerary to another.
Transfer: Open up the Transfer Wizard to switch the Event for the Registration.
Cancel: If the Attendee is no longer attending the Event, you can cancel the Registration.
Print Statement: Generates a PDF of the Statement report for the Registration.
Print Confirmation Letter: Generates a PDF of the Confirmation report for the Registration.
Send Confirmation Email: Sends the Registration Confirmation email to all the Admins for the Registrations.
Reprice Itinerary: Did a charge change or was a new automatic discount added? Select Reprice Itinerary to have the system look for the most up-to-date information.
Add Line Item: Manually add a Line Item by selecting a an AR Category and by determining if it is a Charge or Credit. This feature should only be used when no other options will allow the user to add the needed entry.
Apply Discount Code: Allows user to add a discount code to the registartion.
Apply Manual Discount: Select a Discount and edit the Amount or Total Discount as needed to reduce the balance of the registration.
Donate Balance: Select the Donation Fund, Campaign and Amount to donate from the registration.
Apply Scholarship: Select a Scholarship and the Apply Amount as well as add any important Comments.
Cancel Scholarship: Select which Scholarship to cancel and it will be removed from the registration.
Close Batch: If you have taken cash or check payments or added manual line items, you will want to make sure to run the Close Batch process. This process post the pending transactions to a GL Batch that can then be used to update your General Ledger.
Include Pending Registrations: Allows user to see any pending registrations on the customer's account. without this checkmark, all pending registrations will be hidden.
How to: Summary
1. The bar graph displays a color-coordinated breakdown of the total charges, discounts, and payments. To the right of the bar graph is a grey box that breaks down the remaining balance. Finally, on the far right-hand side, the remaining balance is listed by itself in bold black numbers.
2. The Payments section lists any payments made on the registartion. The Type (credit card, cash, check, E-check), Description (AR Category), Date Applied, Applied Amount, and Full Amount. Additionally, there is a blue Refund button located on the right-hand side of each listed payment. NOTE: You can select any of the Payment Types to view the Payment Details.
3. The Scholarships & Discounts section lists any scholarship or discount applied to the registartion. The Description, Date Applied, and Amount are all displayed. NOTE: You can select any of the Descriptions to view the details of the discount or scholarship.
4. The Charges section lists out each charge by Category, Date Applied, Amount, and Due Date.
How to: Line Items
1. The Line Items use a grid to display detailed information about every accounting event on a registration. The line items each have their Type, Date, Description, AR Category number, and Amount listed. The Grid contents can be modified using the Grid Options. See the How to Customize my Grid Views article for more information.
2. The View option listed on the far left of certain line items allows you to go into the details of that specific payment, donation, discount, scholarship, etc.
3. Additionally, the button on the right-hand side with the three dots will allow you to Post, Remove/Reverse, Void, or Add Comment to the line item as applicable.
How to: Scheduled Payments
1. All payment schedules are displayed here. There is a checkbox listed to Show All schedules. This will include any that have been canceled or completed.
2. If a new schedule is needed, the option to Schedule Payment is displayed on the right-hand side.
3. There are two types of Payment Schedules:
Calculated Payment Schedules will take the remaining balance and the selected number of months between the current date and the Balance Due Date to calculate an equal amount to be paid once a month for the prescribed number of months.
Fixed Payment Schedules will allow the user to enter a set amount to be paid for the prescribed number of months before the final balance is due on the Balance Due Date.
How to: Scholarships
1. The Scholarships tab shows any scholarships applied to the registration. They will be displayed with their Amount, Description, Type, Date, Max Recipient Amount, and Link listed by default. As with the Line Items tab, you are given the same four options to modify the columns that are displayed, Sort By particular columns, Group By particular columns, or export the grid information to an Excel spreadsheet.