Release Date: May 9th, 2022
Bug Fixes
CTD-11414 Getting an error , If I try to not save the overall rating after update
CTD-11401 Getting Error when user edit his profile in customer portal
CTD-11384 Adding an item with Modifiers via Tag added directly to order as opposed to displaying
CTD-11332 Getting invalid error message when we enter UPC limit exceed 25 limit
CTD-11314 Created Organization added to Website automatically
CTD-11311 Reduce Calls to Deposit Query within Account Summary
CTD-11302 Cannot Save Edit of Address from Demographic Information on an Individual Profile
CTD-11299 Getting error If I click on activities menu
CTD-11267 If I edit the phone number it is not changing an existing one, instead it is creating a new one
CTD-10962 Unable to delete address when there are multiple
CTD-10927 Security Too Tight when copying SQL to clipboard
CTD-10781 Unable to donate balance from a registration
CTD-10642 Overall Rating Cannot be Saved
CTD-10266 Legal Term status filters don't work
CTD-9664 Inventory Items Require Dimension to Create an Item
CTD-9324 Age Not Checked for New Entity in Group Event
CTD-8967 Inventory Items dimensions Grid display need polish
CTD-8416 GL Batch Details Merch Sales Pulling Deferred GL Codes
CTD-11262 Refactor GetEvents to pull from cache
CTD-10566 Allow user to change cancellation reason
CTD-10384 Auto-populate "Type" field - Inventory Adjustment grid
CTD-8786 Add Legal Terms and Balance Columns to Check In
CTD-8434 Allow Unit Price to be updated after Invoice is Posted