Overview: How do Customers use their account Dashboard?
The Customer Dashboard has important information about their account. It allows them to register for an event, look up current and past registrations and view important alerts.
How to: Navigate the Home Tab
1. There is lots of helpful information on the Home tab.
- Balance – Displays the current balance on your account.
- Make Payment – Select to make a payment LINK TO NEW ARTICLE.
- New Registration – Select to register for a new Event.
- Up Next – See a summary of the Alerts on your account.
How to: Registrations Tab
1. View a list of upcoming and past Registrations and update Addons if needed.
How to: Edit an Upcoming Registration
1. Find the Registration, select the Step you want to modify (ie Additional Questions" and then select Edit.
2. Add or change the desired information and select Save.
How to: Alerts Tab
The Alerts tab of the Dashboard lets you know about important information that is still needed for your Registration. The number of alerts on your account will show in a red circle next to Alerts.
Each Alert will have a link to a specific Step. Select the link to complete the Step and remove the Alert.