Overview: What is an Attribute?
Attributes are custom questions that allow you to collect the information you need for your organization. Attributes may be associated with many different areas of CircuiTree, including the following:
- Entities
- Individual
- Family
- Group
- Registration
- Attendee
- Attendee – Additional Information
- Registration
- Itinerary
- Event
- HR
- Staff
- Interview
- Reference
- Evaluation
- Health Center
- Medical
- Incident
- Resources
- Resource Allocation
- Compliance
- Form Application
This gives you the flexibility to create a custom process for your customers or staff. You can also add Flags to Attributes to bring extra attention to a particular answer.
This article includes:
- Navigate to Attribute Configuration
- Create an Attribute Category
- Create an Attribute
Related articles:
- Attributes Overview
- Where are Attribute Categories displayed?
- What Types of Attributes Can I Create?
- How do I Create Dependant Attributes?
How to: Navigate to Attributes Configuration
1. Menu > Settings > Attribute
2. To find an Attribute, update the Criteria on the left and select Find.
3. Use the search bar to find a specific Attribute.
4. Select Attribute to view the Attribute Details or Category to view the Attribute Category.
How to: Create an Attributes Category
Before you create an Attribute, you need to create an Attribute Category. An Attribute Category is where you configure which area of CircuiTree that the attribute is available (ie. Registration, Health Center, HR, etc.).
1. Select Add Category to create an Attribute Category.
2. The Add Attribute Category window will appear. Enter the information and select Save.
Organization: Define which organization for which this Attribute Category will be configured.
What should this category attach to?: Select the area of CircuiTree where the Attribute Category should be available. Where are Attribute Categories displayed?
Name: Enter the desired name of the Attribute Category.
Description: Enter an internal description for the Attribute Category.
Display Order: Set the order in which the Attribute Category should be shown. By default, it will list them alphabetically.
3. Once the Attribute Category is created, you can update the information and then select Save.
How to: Create an Attribute
1. Under the Attribute Category, select Attributes
2. Select Add Attribute.
3. You can also start from the Attribute Search screen and select Add Attribute.
4. The Add Attribute window will appear. Fill out the information and then select Save.
Category: Select the Attribute Category. If you start in an Attribute Category, it will select that one by default.
Type: Select the type of Attribute. What types of Attributes can I create?
Name: Enter the name for the Attribute to be used internally to refer to the Attribute.
Label: Enter the text that will be shown on the Registration Site.
Abbreviation: Enter an Abbreviation to be used with a Flag. What is a Flag?
Required: Select to make the Attribute required to be entered on the Registration Site.
Visible on the Web: Select to make the Attribute visible on the Registration Site.
Notification Flag: Select to add a flag that is shown internally if the Attribute has a value. Where do Flags display?
Disabled: Select to disable the Attribute.
Available Options: If you select a type of the following, add options to select for the Attribute by selecting Add option.
- Combolist
- Combobox
- Checklist
- Radio Button List
5. To update more settings, select More.
Year Based: Select to store one Attribute value each year.
Allow Multiples: Select to allow multiple values for the Attribute.
Do you want to show depending on the value of another attribute?: Select Yes to add conditional logic to show or hide the Attribute based on the value of another Attribute. How do I create dependent Attributes?
6. After you have created the attribute, you can see a preview of what the Attribute will look like.
7. To edit the attribute, select the edit icon.
8. To delete the attribute, select the delete icon.
9. If you have multiple Attributes in a Category, reorder by selecting the three vertical dots and dragging the attribute to the correct location.
10. To add additional Attributes to the same Attribute Category, select Add Attribute.